Christian News

Pakistan Detains Police Officer For Killing Blasphemy Suspect
Pakistan Detains Police Officer For Killing Blasphemy Suspect

Pakistani authorities detained a police officer who allegedly shot dead a man for “blasphemy against Islam” following the recent killing of a Christian on similar charges, Worthy News established Saturday.

UK National Week of Prayer: October 12-20, 2024
UK National Week of Prayer: October 12-20, 2024

Christians across the United Kingdom will participate in the National Week Of Prayer (NWOP) event for the country and other nations from 12 to 20 October 2024, Christian Today (CT) reports. NWOP is a partnership of diverse Christian denominations and ministries that are united in their commitment to “pray for the nations and let faith rise.”

Bangladesh: Christians and Hindus Persecuted by Islamist Parties
Bangladesh: Christians and Hindus Persecuted by Islamist Parties

Religious rights advocates have warned that Christians and Hindus in Bangladesh are experiencing intensified persecution as the country’s interim government has allowed the previously banned Jamaat-e-Islami Islamic party to have free reign in the country, Christian Solidarity International (CSI) reports.

Arizona Street Evangelist Returns to Preaching After Being Shot in the Head, “Because of His Love, I’m Still Here”
Arizona Street Evangelist Returns to Preaching After Being Shot in the Head, “Because of His Love, I’m Still Here”

A street evangelist who was shot in the head while sharing the Gospel in Glendale, Arizona last year has credited the love and grace of God for a remarkable recovery that defied his doctors’ expectations and allowed him to return to preaching, ABC15 reports.

Nigeria: Fulani Terrorists Continue Slaughter of Christians with Impunity
Nigeria: Fulani Terrorists Continue Slaughter of Christians with Impunity

Despite warnings and outcry from local and international religious rights groups, Fulani Islamic terrorists are continuing to murder Christians in Nigeria with impunity, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. More Christians are killed for their faith in Nigeria each year than in the rest of the world combined: well over 50,000 believers have been murdered by Islamic terrorists since jihadist terrorism took hold in the country in 2009.

Brazil: Remote Amazonian Region Experiences Revival, “In the First Six Months of This Year We Baptized 14,500 People”
Brazil: Remote Amazonian Region Experiences Revival, “In the First Six Months of This Year We Baptized 14,500 People”

Brazil’s isolated northwest Amazon region is experiencing a remarkable spiritual revival with an unprecedented number of local residents putting their faith in Christ and new churches being planted through the missionary activity of evangelical believers, CBN News reports exclusively.

Syria: Islamic Militants Seize 500 Acres of Christian Farm Land
Syria: Islamic Militants Seize 500 Acres of Christian Farm Land

The UK-based Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) non-profit advocacy organization has reported that Islamic extremist militants in northern Syria have seized control of 500 acres of farmland belonging to Christian farmers in the town of Ras Al-Ein.

India: Hindu Extremists Attack Church in Odisha State
India: Hindu Extremists Attack Church in Odisha State

Amid ongoing persecution against Christians in India by Hindu extremists, a pastor and several other believers were assaulted during a Hindu nationalist attack on a church service in Odisha state on Sunday, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

Ukraine: Christians in “Dire” Situation Amid Russian Invasion
Ukraine: Christians in “Dire” Situation Amid Russian Invasion

Religious communities in Ukraine are in an increasingly “dire” situation as invading Russian forces, and authorities harass, blackmail, and threaten violence against ministers and churchgoers, raid, loot, and destroy worship centers, and gather personal data on believers to put them under surveillance, Mission Eurasia reports.

Nicaragua Frees US Ministry Pastors, Attorneys And Political Prisoners
Nicaragua Frees US Ministry Pastors, Attorneys And Political Prisoners

More than a dozen Nicaraguans with the U.S.-based evangelical group Mountain Gateway are among some 135 prisoners released by Nicaragua’s government after months of negotiations with the United States, several sources confirmed.

China: Christian Mother in Police Detention for Developing “Song of Songs” Gospel App
China: Christian Mother in Police Detention for Developing “Song of Songs” Gospel App

A young Christian mother in China has been in police detention for a month after being arrested for helping to develop a Christian app called “Song of Songs,” China Aid reports.

More Than 60 People Baptized Following Gospel Message at Texas A&M University
More Than 60 People Baptized Following Gospel Message at Texas A&M University

Sixty-two people were baptized after hearing the Gospel at a gathering of around 1,500 attendees on the Corpus Christi campus of Texas A&M University last week, the Christian Post (CP) reports.

Indonesia Pastor Worships Outdoors After Church Removal
Indonesia Pastor Worships Outdoors After Church Removal

An evangelical pastor in Indonesia says he is resuming worship services despite being removed from a store where his congregation had been meeting in a show of defiance toward authorities of the world’s largest Muslim nation.

Sudanese Christians Vulnerable to Atrocities in Ongoing Civil War
Sudanese Christians Vulnerable to Atrocities in Ongoing Civil War

Sudan’s tiny Christian community has been subject to targeted extreme violence as well as to the general horror inflicted by the ongoing latest war to be unleashed on civilians, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

Indonesia: Officials Drag Pastor Out of Worship Center, Seal Church Shut
Indonesia: Officials Drag Pastor Out of Worship Center, Seal Church Shut

A pastor in Jombang Regency, Indonesia was last month dragged out of a shop his church had been meeting in by around 50 government officials who then sealed the shop shut, Morning Star News (MSN) reports.

Attacked Christians In Pakistan Still Await Relief, Justice
Attacked Christians In Pakistan Still Await Relief, Justice

Over a year after thousands of furious Muslims attacked a Christian area in the city of Jaranwala in Pakistan’s Punjab province, many survivors living there still await promised “relief and justice,” well-informed Christian aid workers told Worthy News.

UK-Based Humanitarian Aid Ministry is Helping Christian Refugees in Lebanon
UK-Based Humanitarian Aid Ministry is Helping Christian Refugees in Lebanon

Amid an ongoing exceedingly volatile and dangerous situation in the Middle East, the UK-based Christian aid ministry Help The Persecution (HTP) has been working in Lebanon to assist Christian refugees and others fleeing persecution and conflict from surrounding countries, Christian Today (CT) reports.

Nigeria: Fulani Terrorists Murder 38 Christians in Agatu County, Benue State
Nigeria: Fulani Terrorists Murder 38 Christians in Agatu County, Benue State

Fulani jihadist herdsmen in north-central Nigeria murdered 38 Christians in Agatu County, Benue State during August and July, Morning Star News (MSN) reports.

Burkina Faso: Octogenarian Missionary Held Captive for 7 years by Al-Qaeda Terrorists Says God helped him
Burkina Faso: Octogenarian Missionary Held Captive for 7 years by Al-Qaeda Terrorists Says God helped him

An elderly Christian missionary doctor who was abducted and held captive by Al Qaeda-affiliated terrorists in Burkina Faso for seven years has said God alone helped him to survive the ordeal, Christian Today reports. An Australian national, 88-year-old Dr. Ken Elliott was abducted in 2016 and finally released last year.

China Denies Released Pastor Passport To Travel To Wife In US
China Denies Released Pastor Passport To Travel To Wife In US

Nearly half a year after his release from prison, Chinese Pastor John Cao has still not received identity documents and a passport that would enable him to live normally in China or visit his wife in the United States, Worthy News learned Monday.